I am the Community Guide for the MIX. One of my key tasks is looking for people who are passionate about reinventing management, both here on the MIX and elsewhere. If this is you, and you'd like to get more involved in the MIX effort, reach out to me and let me know!
I am also President and Partner at a company called New Kind. We started this company, after spending almost a decade helping build the open source technology company Red Hat, to figure out what would happen if you took the concepts that made the open source way a great way to build better software faster and used them in ANY company to build better ANYTHING faster.
Our company is named New Kind for a reason. When people ask us what we do, we embrace all the normal labels--strategy, design, branding, communications. But we'd call ourselves community catalysts, if we thought anyone would find that meaningful besides us. Actually we call ourselves that anyway. So there.
This hack begins the process of changing a Management 1.0 organization’s culture by recognizing that an increase in personal freedom must be accompanied by an increase in personal
Life in a large organization can often feel like a few moments of inspiration and innovation surrounded by a lifetime of sitting on conference calls, filling out forms, and creating PowerPoint decks t
In 2010, the Wikimedia Foundation, a small non-profit supporting Wikipedia and related projects, turned the conventional approach to setting strategy on its head.
In my ten years at Red Hat (the open source software pioneer), we had a very simple little cultural trick we used everywhere we could:We defaulted to open.What does this mean?
Terms like "open innovation" and "customer-driven innovation" are all the rage and these strategies can certainly help organizations become more innovative.
You say your employees have autonomy, then why is everything so difficult, why are they frustrated and why do change efforts seem to fizzle away? Find out how culture and grey areas are block
A “Traditionally Virtual” infrastructure rethinks the advantages and disadvantages of virtual and traditional work designs. As a result, it better supports worker autonomy while maintainin
Project Monitoring 2.0 is a collaborative systemic monitoring approach for project management to bring the “people” part of project activity into focus to get earlier insight into problems.
Leading by letting go addresses a fundamental mismatch of traditional vertical leadership approaches with the needs of knowledge workers who tend to ignore corporate hierarchy and need autonomy to unl
Work toward a team of employees who develop their own goals and objectives that are in-line with corporate goals and based on their passions, likes, interests and job.