Director Organizational Change Management at Pearson
Me in Three
I am a rebel, seeking to reframe commonly held truths that get in the way of individual success and fulfillment.
The two questions I always ask is how and why because I want to know so I can make conscience decsions
All people, for the most part, are the same and want/need the same things. The way we interpret the world impacts how we influence it -- we always have a choice
Stories, Hacks, & Barriers
Groundbreaking ideas and practices from Monique Jordan
Positions (and accompanying titles) are reflective of the rigid, hierarchical, fear-ridden and overly centralized organizations that [irrespective of the organization and by themselves] both set-up an
Un-executable IntelligenceThe conversation about effective leadership started during the industrial age in response to the need to effectively (and efficiently) direct the work of emp
I recently read an article on how to provide negative feedback to improve employee performance and I thought "how can feedback that improves be negative -- isn't that a contradiction?". So
Positions (and accompanying titles) are reflective of the rigid, hierarchical, fear-ridden and overly centralized organizations that [irrespective of the organization and by themselves] both set-up an