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To tackle big, thorny challenges, you need big, unconventional ideas.

That’s what you’ll find here: boundary-pushing proposals for changing the way organizations work and leaders lead — from setting strategy to allocating resources to designing work to rewarding and compensating individuals.

Check out the disruptive ideas and radical fixes posted by your fellow MIXers below — and join them in stirring the pot by proposing your own. A hack can be as seemingly basic as a better way to run meetings or as high-stakes as a complete overhaul of the compensation system — as long as it turns the tables on management-as-usual and offers up a pathway to progress on one of the moonshots.

The MIX Lab / Hacks

A dynamic collection of real-world case studies from the MIX community

The comprehensive concept we suggest here is designed to meet the challenges of the 21st century.Internal governance, or management from within, is synonymous with managing less.
Hack by Amnon Danzig on May 7, 2012
The basic premise behind what is being presented here is that capitalism as an economic system is the ideal.
Hack by Andrew Wallace on May 7, 2012
Can Individual Capitalism be generated at birth by creating individual net worth?How many problems would that solve?
Hack by Jack Diamond on May 6, 2012
Nothing worse than a lazy golddigger ! Government (the digger)  installed to provide (the gold) for his citizens, just doing the absolute minimum or better yet the outcome is just the a
Hack by Jimmy Van de Putte on May 6, 2012
The environment continues to degrade as a result of industrial activity despite various attempts to change the behaviour of organisations.
We have been asked to look for a way to change capitalism so it is Principled, Patient and Socially Accountable.
Hack by Anthony Blom on May 6, 2012
Change the rest of us first, and we'll change capitalism
Hack by Kennard Wing on May 5, 2012
The cure for capitalism is more capitalism. Actual control system provides all-or-nothing instruments that prove to be insufficiently rough.
Hack by Justare Alman on May 4, 2012
Require companies to select CEO annually based on employee vote - shifts power to the peple who deliver the shareholder value on the ground and holds bosses accountable.
Hack by Kath Dewar on May 4, 2012
To lower taxes,you must raise revenue somewhere.How does a government fund, "a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the
Where the employment game is played in the same way a computer game will be played. Challenges determine the skills set required to progress to the next level and not the job description.
Hack by Johan van Wyk on May 4, 2012
Capitalism has multiple definitions.However, the essence lies in creation of viable and productive opportunities and the key to a sustainable future lies in encouraging continuous creation of opportun
Hack by Amit Mohapatro on May 2, 2012
This response review staff turnover and staff retention and primarily focus on ICT Organisations, the reasons for employees staying or leaving their employers.
Hack by Jan Kruger on May 1, 2012
A system to enable company/ groupwide, uncensored,unweighted (higher authority, perceived experts, perceived lack of expertise, etc) 
Hack by Dina Grasko on May 1, 2012
Today we manage workers by headcount, jobs, roles, processes, and infrastructure.
Hack by Michael Grove on April 30, 2012
