It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


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To tackle big, thorny challenges, you need big, unconventional ideas.

That’s what you’ll find here: boundary-pushing proposals for changing the way organizations work and leaders lead — from setting strategy to allocating resources to designing work to rewarding and compensating individuals.

Check out the disruptive ideas and radical fixes posted by your fellow MIXers below — and join them in stirring the pot by proposing your own. A hack can be as seemingly basic as a better way to run meetings or as high-stakes as a complete overhaul of the compensation system — as long as it turns the tables on management-as-usual and offers up a pathway to progress on one of the moonshots.

The MIX Lab / Hacks

A dynamic collection of real-world case studies from the MIX community

Super charge organisations by making employees owners, give them every bit of information that you can, teach them what it means.
Hack by Ruth Scandrett on March 1, 2011
Agency theory and the systemic nature of investor owned companies favour top down control, demand compliance and restrict the flow of information, creating disengaged employees.
Hack by Graham Ramsey on March 1, 2011
Organizations are now facing more and more diversified environment both internally and externally.
Hack by Fanjun (Jackie) Sun on February 28, 2011
Imagination and innovation is critical in the evolution of human beings and it is the key to inventive new ideas that makes businesses profitable.
Hack by Billy Choy on February 28, 2011
Development of a transparent employment process that results in not only the best person for the position being appointed but also keeps that person by making the company accountable for all promises
Hack by Andre Basel on February 28, 2011
Reaching right levels of the organisation can be a difficult task even for the employees.
Hack by Aleksandar Zivaljevic on February 27, 2011
Reversing or reducing perception and attribution errors in the healthcare imply overhauling the healthcare system structure and practice but addressing the person of the leader has similar effect to h
Hack by Owen Mandisodza on February 27, 2011
Have organisations progressed through the legendary McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y to the present day Theory Z.
Hack by Enock Ndlovu on February 26, 2011
This hack considers how organisational capability might be unleashed by increasing the level of trust between employer and employee, borrowing from some of the concepts of Tikanga Maori and simply doi
Hack by Alister McCaw on February 25, 2011
As we wait for a new theory that would allow us to integrate currently disparate concepts and generate a more realistic business big picture, there is one easy and powerful solution for the MBA progra
Hack by Cristian Mitreanu on February 25, 2011
The sustainability of a business is a process to fulfill the target to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability to generate the yield to meet the future business needs.
Hack by Avijit Saha on February 25, 2011
The aim of Positive Manipulation is to facilitate delivery and maintenance of a functional, productive employee.
Hack by Aleksandar Zivaljevic on February 25, 2011
A real story.   A real challenge.  The right combination of courage, insight, and wisdom.   Ken
Hack by Dr. Kenneth R.Grice on February 15, 2011
Imagine if Toyota decides to stop selling cars today and instead start selling smart home appliances tomorrow.
Hack by Eidit Hashim on February 10, 2011
Both economic thought and management practice are based on the so-called free market economy or competitive markets and all measures of performance or success are always relative.To get out of this "c
Hack by Srinivasan Abhinavam on February 9, 2011
