It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


Teaming, also referred to as a self-directed work structure, participative management or a high performance work system, is a cultural priority for GE Aviation Supply Chain.  It is an effort to m
Story by Rasheedah Jones on July 14, 2013
*In order for organizations to thrive in the 21st century global economy, knowledge workers must be allowed the flexibility and discretionary authority to offload their non-core busy work to help prop
Story by Jordan Cohen on April 11, 2010
We’re all finally recognizing that management and innovation are social activities – people activities.  So it has struck me as rather odd that HR is hardly mentioned in the conversation.  W
Advanced Design Encounters Psychological Theory <ADEPT> Successful teamwork innovation will respect many various kinds of personal contributions, even including paradoxically opposi
Hack by John Roth on December 21, 2014
GameChanger is a simple, flexible, and real-time innovation process run by an autonomous team at Shell that invests in helping people develop their novel ideas from genesis to proof of concept. 
Story by Russ Conser on January 7, 2013
Here’s a thought to chew on while you’re considering your new year’s resolution: if it’s not laughably impossible, hopelessly impractical, preposterously insurmountable—stop. Start over. You’re not doing it right. Let me explain, with a little parable. In 2007, Blackberry-maker RIM was king of the...
Blog by Umair Haque on January 17, 2011
The current industry model is broken. Our economy is built on a ‘take make waste’ model that negatively impacts environmental and human systems and is not tenable in the long term.
Hack by Chris Allen on May 10, 2012
