At Experian Latin America, aiming to systemize innovation as a capability in an increasingly competitive market, we implemented an ideation platform that mirrors our company’s people-oriented ma
The experience of growing up online will profoundly shape the workplace expectations of “Generation F” – the Facebook Generation. At a minimum, they’ll expect the social environment of work to reflect the social context of the Web, rather than as is currently the case, a mid-20th-century Weberian...
Enspiral is a network of professionals and companies on a mission to make the world a better place. We emphasize empowerment, collaboration, and innovation.
Collaborating with the Occupy movement enabled our business to develop the tool we needed to acheive the truly flat, transparent, empowered structure we'd always wanted.Management doesn't have to comp
For many years, HUL (Hindustan Unilever Ltd.) has sent young managers to spend 8 weeks or more, living in a remote rural village in India as part of its entry-level leadership training bootcamp.
Sitting in her corner seat at the Noida, India office, Sheetal’s job entailed; ensuring successful ticket query responses for a premier national retail client based in North America.In any other s
Entropy: a hypothetical tendency for the universe to attain a state of maximum homogenity in which all matter is uniform..Among all matter, gases have the highest entropy, they don't have a p
DIRTT — Doing It Right This Time — is revolutionizing the manufacturing and building industry by empowering self-professed DIRTTbags (no, not those kinds of dirt bags) to be accountable for d
Online social collaboration is an opportunity to change how 430,000 IBM employees worldwide work together, cutting through bureaucractic ‘BigBlue’ tape.
CoP's are "a group of people organized for a specific purpose around a shared set of values; who collectively care deeply about the purpose, adhere to the shared values and are selfless in their pursu