Mobilizing our assets and capabilities towards becoming a truly global company requires us to leverage the knowledge created across the company and share it to innovate through replication and improve
Using fluid team structures 1) to promote new serendipitous connections and innovation, 2) to develop people for competencies rather than prescribed roles, 3) to better match those people to business
Work can be fun. But until now there has been no systematic way to make it so. We analysed people’s motivation and built a taxonomy of 21 types of fun.
Line up five people and whisper in succession a complex set of instructions. What the fifth person hears and does will have little resemblance to what the first person intended.
On weekdays when I am at home, and not travelling, I get up early, get connected to the rest of the organisation through mails and calls, do an hour of yoga, and then drive to the office, arriving there around 10:00 a.m. I usually work until 8:00 p.m. and then head home to my family. During the day...
Mention the word “innovation” to any of Whirlpool Corporation’s 70,000 employees, and he or she will not typically cite any particular product, service or line of business. At Whirlpool, t
Everyone is struggling to identify a way to make innovation repeatable, sustainable. But, unfortunately most thought leaders make potentially useful innovation frameworks unnecessarily complex.