It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Reinvent the means of control

“We need control systems that shape rather than stifle human contribution.”

Traditional control systems ensure high levels of compliance but do so at the expense of employee creativity, entrepreneurship, and engagement. To overcome the discipline-versus-innovation trade-off, tomorrow’s control systems will need to rely more on peer review and less on top-down supervision. They must leverage the power of shared values and aspirations while loosening the straitjacket of rules and strictures. The goal: organizations filled with people whose motivation and discipline comes from within.

61 Stories
205 Hacks
11 Barriers

Reinvent the means of control

“We need control systems that shape rather than stifle human contribution.”

Traditional control systems ensure high levels of compliance but do so at the expense of employee creativity, entrepreneurship, and engagement. To overcome the discipline-versus-innovation trade-off, tomorrow’s control systems will need to rely more on peer review and less on top-down supervision. They must leverage the power of shared values and aspirations while loosening the straitjacket of rules and strictures. The goal: organizations filled with people whose motivation and discipline comes from within.

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 Its a well know fact thaty positivity and negativity are powerful feedback processes in human behavior.
Hack by Stephen Remedios on July 17, 2013
360 and Upward Assessment Surveys, My View From the Bottom of a CorporationI read an article in the Wall Street Journal on December 8, 2011, by Joann Lublin entitled, “Transparency Pays Off in 360 deg
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on May 22, 2013
The recent events surrounding the loss of Malaysian Airlines flight MH-370 has created an unprecedented surge of volunteerism. There are millions of people who want to help.
Hack by Stephen Remedios on March 20, 2014
Leadership practices have something in common with aging rock bands that continue to headline in obscure little venues: both have passed their prime yet fail to recognize it.
Hack by Jane Perdue on October 31, 2011
Measure the attitudes of your stakeholders in surveys. Link their scores to financial performance using factor analysis and structural equations.
Hack by Anders Magnusson on May 26, 2010
A stressed out small businessman learns, the hard way, the importance of a work place where people are energized and motivated by working the way that works for them.
Story by Henry Stewart on July 21, 2010
In our distant past, our ancestors would consult with an assortment of gods for guidance.
Hack by Roger Bromley on May 27, 2013
