It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


Create a public event series where organisations can safely experiment with future of work concepts and crowd source solutions to meaningful problems with the community 
Hack by Simon Waller on January 17, 2011
The world of work has grown increasingly complex in recent years, making the task of management increasingly difficult and the ability for people to self-manage is severely constrained.  Managing
Hack by David De Spong on July 18, 2011
Ah, the beauty of a small organization. Everyone knows what you are trying to accomplish, and if anyone doesn't, they know who to ask.
Hack by Chris Grams on August 27, 2010
Human systems are symbolic systems (as opposed to mechanical systems and organic systems). Human structures are integrated from a purpose that gives "meaning" to their daily activities.
Hack by Marcelo Manucci on February 1, 2014
Many companies have little budget for organizational development due to economic climate, and employee disengagement is at an all time high.
Hack by Sharon Siegel on January 20, 2011
We want to create a process for healthy collaboration that allows for people to judge ideas and not each other and helps individuals and groups overcome the heuristics and biases that influence thinki
Hack by David Mason on April 30, 2012
In my ten years at Red Hat (the open source software pioneer), we had a very simple little cultural trick we used everywhere we could:We defaulted to open.What does this mean?
Hack by Chris Grams on August 5, 2010
The Living Intelligence System (LIS) is an alpha project within the United States Intelligence Community (IC) aimed at transforming the vertical agency-proprietary reporting and analysis process (fini
Hack by Chris Rasmussen on July 18, 2011
First, a brief introduction. If you've heard the terms "Agile" or "Lean", I want you to put any preconceived ideas aside (and if you haven't, read on).
Hack by Evan Leybourn on October 17, 2013
