It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


-- A few weeks ago, we kicked off the Hackathon Pilot, an experiment enabling passionate MIXers to collaboratively "write the chapter" on how to enable communities of passion within our organizations (learn more about the pilot here and here ). This is the third post in a series where pilot members...
Blog by Chris Grams on April 18, 2011
While large segments of the American population have grown up in a connected world and are more comfortable with web and social networking technologies in their private lives, the companies they work
Story by Srini Koushik on April 11, 2010
One of the things that attracted me to Red Hat in the first place was that it was a company with a strong sense of purpose. Red Hat was a company full of believers, people who felt that the open source development model was simply a better way. During my first few months as CEO, I traveled to Red...
Blog by Jim Whitehurst on August 16, 2011
Unilever is the second largest FMCG company in the world, with a huge environmental and social footprint.  We are committed to growing in all our markets, but believe that growth and sustainabili
Story by Thomas Lingard on May 11, 2012
